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You are one up on me. I only know of six:

Mary, the Mother of our Lord, (Luke 1.43).

Mary Magdalene, out of whom Jesus had cast 7 devils (Mark 16.9)

Mary the mother of James and Joses, (Matthew 27.56)

Mary, Martha's sister, (Luke 10.39) - This was the same Mary that anointed Jesus' feet, (John 11.12)

Mary the Mother of John, (Acts 12.12)

Mary in Romans, (Romans 16.6)

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The best-known are Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus, and Mary Magdalene.

Three more lesser-known Marys are mentioned: "the other Mary" (mother of James the Less and Joses [Mark 15:40], also apparently the wife of Clopas [John 19:25]), Mary the mother of Mark (Acts 12:12), and a Christian woman of Rome praised by Paul for her labor (Romans 16:6).

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