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Q: Who was the other person pardoned instead of Jesus?
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Who was the other prisoner who could have been condemned instead of Jesus?

The other released prisoner was called Barabas.

Most famous person other than Jesus to be resurrected from the dead?

If i recall, the 'only' other person was Lazarus.

How does Jesus Christ differ from other prophets?

Jesus Christ is the Messiah that was promised. Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Second Person of the Trinity.) Jesus Christ is God (Second Person of the Trinity.) All the other prophets were just ordinary men chosen by God to present His message to others.

Who was a famous person in the Bible other then Jesus that was resurrected from the dead?


Who else was on trial but saved instead of Jesus?

Jesus was not tried with other people. He went on trial alone. There were other convicted criminals who were due to be crucified at the same time as he. The one who was released was Barabbas, who was convicted for rioting. Jesus was crucified with two thieves.

Is Jesus still the central figure of the human race?

Yes. The calendar most people use (the Gregorian calendar) is dated from His birth. There is no other person in the history of the planet that had the effect on the human race that Jesus has had. Jesus has had more impact on more people than any other person who ever lived.

Why do some use father son holy ghost instead of simply the name Jesus in baptism?

Because that is the trinity. Jesus is only one third of that. We have to add the other two as well.

What is a Christian heart?

A christian heart is a person who has given his life to Jesus. he has surrendered his lift to him. Jesus is now his Lord and master. It also means that this person loves and wants to obey Jesus in all of his life. It is a heart that loves other people that Jesus would us to love and this is not so easy at times.

What is the definition of reclusion perpetua habeas curpos?

Any person sentenced to any of the perpetual penalties shall be pardoned after undergoing the penalty for thirty years, unless such person by reason of his conduct or some other serious cause shall be considered by theChief Executive as unworthy of padon.

Could a pardoned convict become a lawyer?

Before you even go into law school you have to be screened by an association called the Law School Admission Council, to which most law schools subscribe and get reports on you before considering you for admission into their program. If you do complete law school you then have to be admitted to the Bar after taking the proper exam. Admission to the Bar depends on the criteria of each state's Bar Association. You may have to ask them this question. A pardoned convict is one that has been pardoned by the state or federal Government (that is, the Governor or President, respectively). This means that the pardoned person is NO LONGER a convicted felon, and has the same rights, including to own a gun barring other restrictions, as anyone who hasn't been convicted of a felony. This means the state's Bar Association may still decide if the person can be admitted or not.

Who is the most significant person other than Jesus in the New Testament and Why?

John the Baptist. He was the forerunner of Christ.

Why do we say Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ?

Christians tend to have Jesus Christ in high regard. They consider Him the Son of God, and usually believe that there is no other person like Him.