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his disciples, before Jesus ascended into heaven

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Q: Who was the last person Jesus appeared to after the resurrection?
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Why do people say that 3 days something happens to the body after death 10 days dent 20 then 30 and the last is 40 days?

Because they believe that the resurrection of Jesus is a literal account of events following his crucifixion.Because they believe that the resurrection of Jesus is a literal account of events following his crucifixion.Because they believe that the resurrection of Jesus is a literal account of events following his crucifixion.Because they believe that the resurrection of Jesus is a literal account of events following his crucifixion.

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After the meeting between Jesus and Nicodemus at night. Nothing else is mentioned in the bible.Another answer:Nicodemus is mentioned twice more after his clandestine meeting with Jesus (John 7:50 and John 19:39), but scripture doesn't reveal what "became" of him after Jesus' resurrection. He is last seen providing the "myrrh and aloes" with which to treat Jesus' body for burial.

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The main points in the Easter story are the Last Supper, the betrayal and arrest of Jesus, his crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection three days later. These events are central to the Christian belief in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On what day was jesus arrested?

Jesus was arrested on Thursday after the Last Supper Pasover meal. This day is entitled Maundy Thursday. The Thursday before the Sunday which is Resurrection Day, the day He arose.

Mathew 26 36 to 45 bible?

There are only 28 chapters in Matthew, and the last 3 chapters, 26,27&28 refer to the last supper and the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

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Mary Magdalene was not selling her self. she was having sex with 5 men.not at the same time.Christ did marry her. They had 1 child here on earth.She held a office job in a city.Look close at the last supper. How her arms are. The baby was left out of the picture

Is Jesus last name Christ?

There never was a person naned Jesus Christ!! Jesus is his name and Christ is his titel!