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Q: Who was the guardian of south in Hinduism?
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Related questions

Where did the religion of Hinduism begin?

in South Asia.

What is the presence is Hinduism in Asia?

In asia Hinduism is prence in most south eastern part. In India, Nepal , Myanmar & Mauritius Hinduism can be found.

What was the economic impact of Hinduism on south Asia?

In south east asia Hinduism not only taught people way of life but also some important way of earning money as well. This made followers of Hinduism rich and wealthy.

In which parts of Asia Buddhism or Hinduism is the primary religion?

South and South east Asia

Why is religion so important to South Asia's history?


Which country did hinduism begin in?

Hinduism first began in the great country of India. Mythology states that hinduism began in modern kashi in India.

How and where did Hinduism spread?

Indian merchants spread Hinduism to the Pacific and South East Asia in the first millennium. When the merchants settled in these regions, they brought priests who were instrumental in the spread of Hinduism.

What are the two major religion of South Asia?

2 major regions in south Asia are Hinduism, Islam:)

What country in south Asia is most common for Hinduism?

India Nepal

Where were the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism found?

India is the country. It is in south asia

What part of the region follows the religion Hinduism?

Hinduism is mailnly followed in south east asia. Countries such as India, Nepal , Myanmar & Mauritius. Also in minority Hinduism is practiced world wide.

What religion spread from India to the rest of East Asia?

Buddhism and Hinduism were introduced to South Asia by India. Buddhism has gradually declined in India, but it is still very strong in South Asia.