

Best Answer

She is the Egyptian goddess of birth, fertility

==============Thomas Answers============

Here is a listing of some of the god's that Jehovah God dealt with in the time of Israel & their being rescued from Pharaoh in 1513 B.C.E.:

*** sh chap. 3 p. 62 Common Threads in Mythology ***

Egypt's Gods and the Ten Plagues

Jehovah executed judgment on Egypt's impotent gods by means of the Ten Plagues.-Exodus 7:14-12:32.

Plague Description

1 Nile and other waters turned to blood. Nile-god Hapi


2 Frogs. Frog-goddess Heqt powerless to prevent it

3 Dust turned to gnats. Thoth, lord of magic, could not help

the Egyptian magicians

4 Gadflies on all Egypt except Goshen where Israel dwelt. No

god was able to prevent it-not even Ptah, creator of the

universe, or Thoth, lord of magic

5 Pestilence on livestock. Neither sacred cow-goddess Hathor

nor Apis the bull could prevent this plague

6 Boils. Healer deities Thoth, Isis, and Ptah unable to help

7 Thunder and hail. Exposed the impotence of Reshpu,

controller of lightning, and Thoth, god of rain and


8 Locusts. This was a blow to the fertility-god Min,

protector of crops

9 Three days of darkness. Ra, the preeminent sun-god, and

Horus, a solar god, disgraced

10 Death of the firstborn including Pharaoh's, who was

considered to be a god incarnate. Ra (Amon-Ra), sun-god

and sometimes represented as a ram, was unable to impede


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