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Sunni Islam does not credit any individual with founding specifically Sunni Islam (as opposed to Shiite Islam or Ibadi Islam, etc.). It is the Sunni contention that their faith is the "original and proper faith" as Mohammed revealed it. Therefore, Mohammed would be the Earthly founder of Sunni Islam in their eyes.

The first person who practiced Sunni Islam as "opposed to" Shiite Islam would probably be Abu Bakr considering that he was the first Caliph, but again, he would not have founded the faith.

Additionally, most Sunni Muslims make the contention that Islam is a Divinely-Created Religion and therefore God himself is the proper founder of Sunni Islam.

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13y ago

Muslims do not believe that there was a "founding father" to their religion, because to them, no one created or invented their religion. Rather, they believe that Islam is a religion sent by god, its teachings revealed to Prophet Muhammad. Therefore, Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad is the leader of Islam and brought to us the religion of Islam.

Non Muslims view Prophet Muhammad as the "founding father" of Islam since they do not believe in the teachings of Islam that say the religion came from God.

Its just the use of words. In the end, Muhammad introduced the world to the Muslim religion, Islam.

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No no no . . .

"Sunni" is just a term used for the people who follow the original message. The valid term that one can use is: Ahl As- Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah (the people of the Sunnah and the consensus of scholars).

These are the Muslims who have, as their religion, the Qur'an, the Sunnah (exqample of Muhammad), the examples of the four rightly-guided leaders after Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the consensus of the scholars of Ahl As-Sunnah.

It is the Shiah who came after Muhammad. There were no Shiah in the time of Muhammad. That is a fact. They are also called Ar-Raafidha (those who rejected Zaid ibn Hussein), and they are also called Ahl Al-Bidaa (those who made invented things and attached them to Islam).

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14y ago

mother of imam jahfar mansur

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