The first person that Jesus raised from the dead was a 12 year old girl. She fell ill and while Jesus was in route to her home, she died.
Jesus of Nazareth was raised in a Jewish home. Christianity was not formed until after Jesus' death and His resurrection.
The responses were fear, praise and fame first in Luke 7.16,17 when he raised the young man at Nain. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, (John 11), the responses were, faith in Jesus from those who believed in him and anger at Jesus and a desire to kill him and Lazarus from the Pharisees.
Jesus. Lazarus.
Jesus raised the daughter of Jarius.
The Unbegotten Father.
Jesus raised him from the dead and He was able to do that because He has the power to do miracles.
Mary raised Jesus in he village quietly.
Jesus was raised from a poor family, His earthly Father was Joseph a Carpenter. Jesus associated with this Family because of humility. He needed not any special upbringing because He already knew His mission.