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Pope Clement V was the first Avignon pope.

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Q: Who was the first pope who settled in Avigon in 1309?
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Who persuaded the pope to return to Rome from Avigon?

St. Catherine Of Siena

Where did Catholic pope reside?

The Pope currently resides in Vatican City, in Rome, and has been there since the first Pope, St. Peter went there in the first century, although there has been disagreement about his location during the Avignon period (1309-1377).

When did the pope live in France?

The Avignon Papacy lasted from 1309 to 1377.

Where did the pope live in 1453?

From 1309 to 1377 the pope resided at Avignon, France.

Which French town housed the pope from 1309 until 1376?

Avignon, France.

Where did the pope live during 1347?

From 1309 to 1378 the popes resided in Avignon, France.

In which French city was the papacy located during part of the 14th century?

Answer: Avigon Why: King Philip ensured the election of a French Pope who moved the papacy to Avignon.

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It was first settled by John Hunt (1805) and first claimed by Leroy Pope.

Which French city was chosen in 1305 by Pope Clement V to be the seat of the papacy instead of Rome?

From 1309 to 1378 the pope was based in Avignon, France.

French city where pope rival was installed for 20 years after 1378?

Avignon. The popes had actually lived there since 1309, but went back to Rome in 1377. When he died in 1378 a pope was elected in Rome and an anti-pope was elected in Avignon. This was only settled when Martin V was elected to succeed all the others (by which time there was one in Pisa as well). The palace of the popes, the city of Avignon and the surrounding teritory still belonged to the pope until 1790.

Which event reduced the power of the papacy in 1309?

Pope Clement V moved the papal over losses during the Crusades.

Where did popes live from 1305 to 1377?

Avignon, in what is now southeastern France.