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In the King James version

  • John the Baptist is reported as baptizing people in Matthew 3. They were unnamed.
  • He baptizes Jesus in Matthew 3 : 16, and in Mark 1 : 9, and in Luke 3 : 16, and in John 1 : 34
  • John 3 : 22 mentions that Jesus baptised people - but they are not named
  • John 4 : 2 states that the disciples were NOT baptised
  • Acts 1 : 5 has Jesus telling the discipels that they will be baptized with the Holy Ghost
  • The first baptisms after the death of Jesus are mentioned in Acts 2 : 38 when Peter urged the crowd to be baptized but the verses don't say who did it, ot who the baptized were.


According to Paul... about two million-plus Israelites and who knows how many miscellaneous Gentile escapees exiting Egypt at the first Passover: "... were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea..." (I Cor.10:2).

So, if that qualifies as a baptism... perhaps the first person baptized was "NOAH."

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14y ago
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15y ago

It would have had to have been Adam. The question is who baptized him? I would suggest that it could have only been an angel who held the authority to baptize. Adam would have had the authority to baptize bestowed upon him by the same angel(s). He then would have baptized his family.

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15y ago

The first mention of baptism in The Bible was with John the Baptist. Then, it was done for forgiveness of sins, repentence. When Jesus came to John, it was in front of a crowd of people. Jesus did not need to be forgiven but a miracle was to be shown. Jesus came up from the water with a new light, God spoke from heaven declaring Jesus His son. This was done to prove to those around that God was pleased with His son.

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14y ago

the first baptism was in Jesus' time when John the Baptist baptized him .

Roman Catholic answerThe baptism of John the Baptist was a baptism of repentance, and not Christian baptism. Christian baptism is first mentioned in the gospel of John, Chapter 4, verses 1-2 and performed by the disciples. At the end of Matthew's Gospel, Jesus commissions the disciples "Go therefor and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit... There are baptisms in the book of Acts.
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13y ago

No. John the Baptist baptized numerous individuals before Jesus came to be baptized. In fact, it was customary for those showing interest in converting to Judaism to first be baptized to signify publicly their intent to become a Jew. This baptism was a custom before Jesus came on the scene.

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14y ago

Yes, John the "Baptist" was the first person to be authorized to "baptize" believers.

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15y ago

The first christian to be baptized was Jesus himself by John the Baptist.

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john the Baptist

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