That is stated explicitly concerning Er (Genesis ch.38). Another (earlier) possibility is Lot's wife (Genesis ch.19), of whom "slain by God" is less direct or explicit. A third (still earlier) candidate is Chanoch (Enoch) in Genesis ch.5, whose fate of "God took him" has differing interpretations among the commentaries.
Kratos killed Ares the first god of war.
god is the first person
Abel (second son of Adam and Eve and killed by his brother, Cain) was the first to gain God's favor by presenting a whole hearted sacrifice. (Genesis chapter 4)
The first person to be born was GOD!
In grammar, the first person is 'I' or 'we'; the second person is 'you'; the third person is 'he', 'she', 'it', or 'they'. In the Bible, the first person was Adam, created by Almighty God, in the beginning, in God's image. hahahahahaha this cool
The first person to get run over and killed by a car in the nation was Irish woman Mary Ward in 1869. In the United States, the first person was Henry Hale Bliss in 1899.
He killed God and stole his powers.
God is Born First
schlomo goldstein