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Q: Who was the father of nal neel vanar in ramayana?
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What is nal and neel?

Nal and Neel , are the twins whose father is none other than Vishwakarma, the architect of Devas. Nal and Neel along with other vanars helped Ram to built a Sethu to cross the ocean.

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When was Nura Nal created?

Nura Nal was created in 1964.

What is the pronunciation for canal?

Kuh-NAL. The "nal" part rhymes with "pal" or "gal."

What is the airport code for Nal Airport?

The airport code for Nal Airport is BKB.

When was A-Nal-Y-Sis created?

A-Nal-Y-Sis was created in 1973.

How do you say Evanescence in Armenian?

An--he--da--nal,or A--ne--re--vou--ta--nal.

What is the chemical name of Nal?

The chemical name of Nal is Naltrexone.

What are some things that NAL might stand for?

As an acronym, NAL may stand for several things. Some things include National Aerospace Laboratories, National Agriculture Laboratory, NAL publishers, and many more.

What is a nal bowl?

A nal bowl is a well potted curved bowl, decorated in black with large block triangles and lines.

What are the ratings and certificates for Bom nal - 2005?

Bom nal - 2005 is rated/received certificates of: South Korea:15

What are the syllables in the word journal?

There are two syllables in "journal". Jour-nal.