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Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Judea ordered the curcifixion of Jesus Christ. A Centurion ( commander of 100 men) of the Roman army with 4 to 6 soilders (the death squad) under him carried out the crucifixion. There was no General involved as the order came directly from the Governor.

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12y ago

They were Pagans at the time of the crucifixion.

Constantine became the first christian emperor in the year 305 AD and Christianity becomes the official religion of Rome in 380 AD.

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The was Pontius Pilate Governor of the province of Judea from AD 26 through 36.

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Q: Who was the Roman General that crucified Jesus?
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Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.Roman times and the crucifixion of Jesus came at the same time. Jesus was crucified under the Roman emperor, Tiberius.

The roman who allowed Jesus to be crucified?

Roman governor Pilate ordered the cruciffication of Jesus.

Was Jesus crucified by Tiberius?

No, Jesus was crucified during the reign of Tiberius Caesar, who was the Roman emperor during 14-37 AD.

Who was the pilot who crucified Jesus?

There is no record of a pilot crucifying Jesus in historical accounts. Jesus was crucified by the Roman authorities under the orders of Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman governor of Judea at the time.

Was Jesus ever crucified?

Yes, from the information found by the research of the historians Jesus was crucified as it appears in some old Roman text that they did crucify him.

Who was the commander of Roman Forces in Jerusalem when Christ was crucified?

Pontius Pilatus the sixth governor of Judaea was the leader of the Roman forces when Jesus Christ was crucified.

What happened in 33AD?

Pontius Pilate, the Roman procurator had Jesus of Nazareth crucified.

Was the king that crucified Jesus a Jew?

Pontius Pilate was the one who gave the order that Jesus be crucified; he was Roman, and not Jewish.However, he did so at the request of the Jewish high priests.

How old was Jesus when he was alive?

He was 33 years old when he was crucified.

How where the Romans punished in Roman times?

They were stoned or crucified like Jesus in the bible.

Why did the Roman government want to get rid of Jesus?

They didn't. Pilate ordered Jesus to be crucified against Roman justice, but bowed to considerable political pressure.