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He didn't build it, he expanded it.

Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai, disciple of Hillel, found favor in the eyes of the Roman leader Vespasian, for a reason explained in the Talmud (Gittin 56a-b), and was granted a request. He asked that the Romans (who had already begun the siege of Jerusalem) spare the town of Yavneh and its Torah-scholars. Vespasian acquiesced (Talmud, ibid), and Rabbi Yohanan gathered whatever Torah-sages he could, to Yavneh.
After the Destruction during which the Romans razed Jerusalem, it was these sages (Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Akiva and many others) who redeemed Jewish captives, distributed charity, and rebuilt whatever they could. (Compare this to the Sadducees, who melted into the background and did not lift a finger to help the people.)

See: The Sadducees and others

In matters of Torah, the sages of Yavneh recorded the laws of the Temple so that these wouldn't be forgotten, and redacted the details of such Mishna-tractates as Shekalim, Yoma, and Tamid. They finalized the text of the Haggadah shel Pesach (Passover Seder), composed prayers for the rebuilding of the Temple, and set in motion the process of redacting the entire Mishna, an effort which would be completed a century later.

Through all these actions, they gave the Jewish people new hope, showing them that the nation could continue even under the new circumstances, with its Torah and traditions (Oral Law) intact, clarified and accessible.
At that time (the Second Destruction), non-traditional sects such as the Sadducees and the Essenes, either went extinct or drifted completely away from Judaism because of the hardships the Jews were experiencing. Judaism today can name only the Torah-sages as its spiritual forebears.

See also:

Jewish history timeline

Destruction and Diaspora

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Many hundreds of Rabbis built or founded schools and Yeshivas, throughout the Jewish world, throughout history, and including the Jerusalem district.

If you're asking about Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai, the famous Yeshiva which he expanded (not "built") was about 50 km west of Jerusalem.

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Q: Who was the Jewish teacher who built a school near Jerusalem to teach about Judaism and to help the people better understand their religion?
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