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NAHUM Some say the Old Testament was written before 400 BC, and there were no Old Testament books written in 600's AD.

So if you refer to the 7th Century BC, then it would have to be one of Major Prophets, such as Isaiah. But that is a guess. Check it out an on-line Bible. The answer is Nahum, a 7th Century BC Hebrew Prophet! Nahum is not the only Hebrew prophet of the 7th century: according to John MacArthur, there are at least five:-

-Nahum (Prophesied during period 626-663BC)

-Jeremiah (Prophesied during period 627-568BC)

-Zephaniah (Prophesied during period 627-568BC)

-Habakkuk (Prophesied during period 612-605BC)

-Isaiah (Prophesied during period 750 [or earlier] -686BC)

These time periods, taken from the "John MacArthur Study Bible", are accurate, and are calculated using known historical dates, which have been verified by other scholars, of particular events (eg battles) mentioned by that prophet in his own particular book and cross-checked against other historical records.

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Writings to The Bible ceased about the end of the 1st Century AD with the death of John. Therefore on 6th Century BC prophets exists in the Bible.

Other faiths would state they have prophets in the 6th AD - Muhammed comes to mind but this is not biblical.

The Bible does warn of 'false prophets in the latter days up to the last days but does not name them - just the one major one who assists the political beast power.

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