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The Bible gives no names to the two men who were crucified with Jesus. The Bible does give a little information on both of the men.

The first man asked Jesus, "If you are who you claim that you are. Why don't you free yourself and us?"

The second man told the first man, "Have you have no fear of God? This man did nothing wrong. We deserve to die for our crimes."

Then, the second man on his cross, requested of Jesus, "Please remember me when you enter into you Kingdom."

Jesus replied to the second man, "From this day, you shall be with me in paradise."
Jesus was crucified between two robbers (thieves), one on the right and another on the left.

Good Answer! But You left out that the thief on the right listened to what Jesus had to say and he asked if He was really The Messiah and Jesus answered yes, the man on the left said to the man on the right, don't listen to this it is a lie, but the man on the right didn't listen and accepted Jesus right then and Jesus said to him, you will be with Me in paradise!

I like to give people a little more information than they ask for! sorry!

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

According to Matthew 27:38,He was crucified with two robbers;one on His right and one on His left.

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