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Q: Who was as Askia Muhammad and how did he affect the religious beliefs of people in Songhai?
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Which field of anthropology studies how religious beliefs affect the development and structure of culture?

social anthropology

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people are stupid

How did Christianity influence economy?

Many things affect economics with religious beliefs a main driver.

How does religious beliefs affect people in Brazil?

People don't get along and Facebook:tbh get really awkward.

How did the religious wars affect France and Spain?

By not giving the Catholic churches room to spread their beliefs

Which branch of anthropology studies how religious beliefs affect the development and structure of a society?

The branch of anthropology that studies how religious beliefs affect the development and structure of a society is cultural anthropology. Cultural anthropologists examine how religion shapes the values, practices, rituals, and social relationships within a community, offering insights into how beliefs influence behavior and shape social institutions.

How did religious beliefs as salvation and sacraments affect daily life in medieval Europe?

Because they told everyone

Are the archaeologists religious?

Not all archaeologists are religious. Many archaeologists come from diverse religious backgrounds, and their personal beliefs do not typically affect their work in studying and interpreting ancient civilizations and cultures.

How does freedom of religion affect Americans?

Freedom of religion affects Americans by letting them practice their beliefs, and express their religious beliefs whenever and wherever they please. But, in good favor.