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Jews were the most affected by Judaism. To a lesser extent, Christianity and Islam either developed from or borrowed certain moral principles from Judaism. Christianity is the basis of most modern moral philosophies used by the Western Nations, today. More than half the world accept Judeo-Christian Ethics and Morality.

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Q: Who was affected by Judaism?
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Many religions affected the development of Africa's eastern Coast, namely Christianity, Judaism and Islam, however, as we see the large numbers of Muslims in that are today, it would make sense that Islam perpahs the greatest influence on this region.

What religion affected the development of the eastern coast of Africa.?

Many religions affected the development of Africa's eastern Coast, namely Christianity, Judaism and Islam, however, as we see the large numbers of Muslims in that are today, it would make sense that Islam perpahs the greatest influence on this region.

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Opposite of the lack of Judaism? Judaism.

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There are no rooms in Judaism. Judaism is a religion, not a building.

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Judaism is called Judaism.

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Many religions affected the development of Africa's eastern Coast, namely Christianity, Judaism and Islam, however, as we see the large numbers of Muslims in that are today, it would make sense that Islam perpahs the greatest influence on this region.

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Judaism's real name, in English, is "Judaism".

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Christianity and Judaism

What is a movement focused on preserving values but with some allowance for modern influence in judaism?

Lots of those. In more or less the order of most traditional to least traditional, here are some: Modern Orthodox Judaism Masorti (Traditional) Judaism Conservative Judaism Reform Judaism Liberal Judaism Reconstructionist Judaism Renewal Judaism Humanistic Judaism

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Judaism itself is one religion; the religion of Judaism. See also:Divisions within Judaism

Who is the leader of judaism and also known as the father of judaism?

Abraham is known as the father of Judaism, but there is no person known as "the leader of Judaism".