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John Henry Cardinal Newman

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Q: Who was a convert to Catholicism who became a cardinal in 19th Century England?
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How does a Christian convert to Catholicism in England?

i would go into a catholic church and ask the priest about it

Can a Protestant who is a Mason convert to Catholicism?

Anyone who wants to can convert to Catholicism.

What military maneuver did King Phillip of Spain use to convert England back to Catholicism?

the spanish armada

Did you have to convert to Catholicism if you were Church of England to marry a Catholic in Catholic Church in 1891?

You would not have to convert but you would have to agree that any children be raised as Catholics.

Who was Patrick?

Are you referring to St. Patrick? He was a 5th century bishop and missionary who was sent by Pope Celestine I to Ireland to convert the pagan Druids to Catholicism.

Can a single mom convert to Catholicism?

of course.

What did Mary 1 try to do to England?

Mary I was Catholic and disapproved that her father Henry VIII left the Catholic faith. She tried to change England back to being a Catholic country and killed thousands that did not want to convert to Catholicism.

What tribe was most successful at resisting efforts to convert them to Catholicism?

The tribe that was most successful at resisting the efforts to convert to Catholicism was the Mavajo tribe. They are a tribe from Southwestern United States.

Did Susanna Dickinson convert to Catholicism?

Don't know but I think she did

What church did Spain start to convert people to catholicism?

Mission church

Is it all right if you are not a true believer in Catholicism but you love your husband and want to convert for him?

According to the Catholic Church, that is not alright and is a sacrilege. The Catholic Church would want you to research Catholicism and fully believe in it, or not convert.

Did John Donne convert to Catholicism so he could marry his sweetheart?
