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Moses' father-in-law was Jethro (Hebrew: Yithro). He was "the priest of Midian" (Exodus 2:15).

Like many important people in ancient times, he had more than one name, based upon accomplishments, descriptives, etc. In his case, seven names were applied to him in various contexts: Re'uel, Yether, Yithro (Jethro), Hovav, Hever, Keini, Putiel (midrash Mechilta, Exodus 18:1, quoted in the Rashi commentary).

Jethro was known for suggesting the appointment of leaders of tens, fifties, hundreds and thousands, a suggestion which Moses accepted and carried out (Exodus ch.18). He was also known for having become an influential convert to Judaism. His descendants are mentioned several times in later passages (Judges ch.4, 1 Samuel ch.15, Jeremiah ch.35).

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βˆ™ 6y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Jethro (Hebrew: Yithro) was Moses' father-in-law. Like many important people in ancient times, he had more than one name, based upon accomplishments, descriptives, etc. In his case, seven names were applied to him in various contexts: Re'uel, Yether, Yithro (Jethro), Hovav, Hever, Keini, Putiel (midrash Mechilta, Exodus 18:1, quoted by Rashi).

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Moses' father-in-law is described as a priest of the midianite religion, but three different names are given, depending on the source:

  • Exodus 2:18-21: Reuel
  • Exodus 3:1 (and all subsequent references in Exodus): Jethro
  • Numbers 10:29; Judges 4:11: Hobab
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βˆ™ 8y ago

Jethro. He had a number of nicknames, which was a common practice in ancient times, and may confuse Bible-critics. From Rashi commentary to Exodus 18:1 -

"Jethro: He was called by seven names: Reuel, Jether, Jethro, Hobab, Heber, Keni, and Putiel" (based upon the ancient Mechilta midrash).
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βˆ™ 8y ago

The person is most commonly referred to as Jethro, but The Bible refers to this person inconsistently, depending on the author making the reference. See the below names and citations.

Exodus 2:18-21: Reuel

Exodus 3:1 (and all subsequent references in Exodus): Jethro

Numbers 10:29; Judges 4:11: Hobab

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The Torah does not mention that Moses ever had a step father.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Moses did not have a "stepfather-in-law" since his wife, Zipporah, never had a stepfather. Moses' father-in-law was Jethro.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Jethro- a priest of Midian

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Moses' father-in-law was name JETHRO.

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