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The Bible (Matthew & Luke) only wrote about the geneology of Joseph (from the line of Judah/David) and not of Mary (from the line of Levi.)


"There is no evidence to prove that Mary was descended from David. On the contrary there is evidence to prove that she was not descended from him.

"1. "The angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city in Galilee, called Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary" (Luke i, 27). Joseph, and not Mary, is declared to be of the house of David.

2. It is stated that Joseph went to Bethlehem "to be taxed with Mary," not because they, but "because he was of the house and lineage of David" (Luke ii, 4, 5).

3. Mary was the cousin of Elizabeth (Luke i, 3), and Elizabeth "was of the daughters of Aaron" (i, 5), i.e., descended from Levi, while the house of David was descended from Judah."

Another source lists Mary's parents as Anne (Hannah) and Joachim. Another Answer:I cannot see that there is any mention of Jesus' grandmother in the Bible. There are two genealogies of Jesus in the Bible, but both refer to his male ancestors. Another Answer: With a few exceptions, the Bible is usually patriarchal - male dominated. As noted above, the genealogies given in Matthew and Luke make mention of the male lineage - on both sides as is a currently accepted theory.

One of the most widely held theories suggests that Matthew's account follows the lineage of Joseph, while Luke's genealogy is that of Mother Mary. This interpretation would mean that Jacob was Joseph's biological father, and Heli (Mary's biological father) became Joseph's surrogate father, thus making Joseph Heli's heir through his marriage to Mary.

The theory continues that if Heli had no sons, Joseph would then become heir to Heli's weath/property as would have been the normal custom. Also, if Mary and Joseph lived under the same roof with Heli, his "son-in-law" would have been called "son" and considered a descendent.

Although it would have been unusual to trace a genealogy from the maternal side, there was nothing usual about the virgin birth. Moreover, if Mary - as Jesus' only blood relative - was indeed a direct descendant of David, this would make her son "the seed of David" thus keeping with Messianic prophecies.

Therefore, Mary's father appears as Heli and his wife would be the maternal grandmother of Jesus.

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I cannot see that there is any mention of Jesus' grandmother in the Bible. There are two genealogies of Jesus in the Bible, but both refer to his male ancestors.

Another Answer:

With a few exceptions, the Bible is usually patriarchal - male dominated. As noted above, the genealogies given in Matthew and Luke make mention of the male lineage - on both sides as is a currently accepted theory.

One of the most widely held theories suggests that Matthew's account follows the lineage of Joseph, while Luke's genealogy is that of Mother Mary. This interpretation would mean that Jacob was Joseph's biological father, and Heli (Mary's biological father) became Joseph's surrogate father, thus making Joseph Heli's heir through his marriage to Mary.

The theory continues that if Heli had no sons, Joseph would then become heir to Heli's weath/property as would have been the normal custom. Also, if Mary and Joseph lived under the same roof with Heli, his "son-in-law" would have been called "son" and considered a descendent.

Although it would have been unusual to trace a genealogy from the maternal side, there was nothing usual about the virgin birth. Moreover, if Mary - as Jesus' only blood relative - was indeed a direct descendant of David, this would make her son "the seed of David" thus keeping with Messianic prophecies.

Therefore, Mary's father appears as Heli and his wife would be the maternal grandmother of Jesus.

Another Answer:The Bible says nothing about who the maternal parents of Jesus were, so the early Christians had to create them. They decided that Mary's father was called St Joachim and her moter was St Anne. This is a traditions still supported by the Catholic Church, but abandoned by many Protestants, who prefer to say that Heli was Mary's father, and his unnamed wife was her mother. This avoids the embarassing situation whereby Matthew 1:16 says that Joseph's father was called Jacob, but Luke 3:23 says that Joseph's father was called Heli. This view requires a suspension of disbelief, since Luke's Gospel clearly intends this as a genealogy of Joseph and says that Joseph was the son of Heli.
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8y ago

The Bible says nothing about who the maternal parents of Jesus were, so the early Christians had to create them. They decided that Mary's father was called St Joachim and her mother was St Anne.

This is a traditions still supported by the Catholic Church, but abandoned by many Protestants, who prefer to say that Heli was Mary's father, and his unnamed wife was her mother. This avoids the embarrassing situation whereby Matthew 1:16 says that Joseph's father was called Jacob, but Luke 3:23 says that Joseph's father was called Heli. This view requires a suspension of disbelief, since Luke's Gospel clearly intends this as a genealogy of Joseph and says that Joseph was the son of Heli.

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