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God did in a dream.

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Q: Who warned joseph to flee to egypt?
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Who warned Jesus to flee to Egypt?

Here Jesus was not warned to flee, but the angel warned Joseph in a dream.

Where Mary and Joseph fled after Jesus' birth?

Joseph was warned in a dream to take the young child and his mother and flee to Egypt untill he hears from God again. (Matthew 2.13) So "the holy family" that fled to Egypt, were Joseph and Mary and Jesus.

What Country did Joseph Mary and Jesus traveled to?

EgyptMat 2:13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him."

How many times did Joseph and Mary flee for their lives with Jesus?

Actualy Mary and Joseph fled only once to Egypt from king Herod.

Where did Jesus Mary and Joseph flee to?

Mary , Joseph and the baby Jesus fled in the night to Egypt.

How was the family warned that someone wanted to kill Jesus?

An angel came to Joseph in a dream and warned him to take his family to Egypt immediately as Herod was looking for the child jesus.

Where did Jesus hide from Herod?

God warned Joseph in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to avoid the wrath of Herod.

What caused King Ptolemy Auletes to flee Egypt?

The death of King Ptolemy caused the Auletes to flee Egypt.

How did jesus survive the calling of king herod wating all children dead?

Joseph and Mary fled with the baby Jesus to Egypt, as the angel told Joseph to flee as the king Herod wanted to kill all the babies.

Did Jesus leave Nazareth or Bethlehem to escape to Egypt?

Jesus escaped to Egypt from Bethlehem, not Nazareth. King Herod, who wanted to kill him, ordered the massacre of all infant boys in Bethlehem, prompting Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt with Jesus to keep him safe.

Where did the angel tell Joseph to go to protect his family from king herod?

The angel never actually said to go to a town. He merely said to flee to Egypt and to wait for Herod to die.

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