The Torah is read in the original in public Jewish services in the synagogue on at least
four occasions every week, plus additional readings on holidays. It's also read and
studied in private with some regularity by significant numbers of Jews. It's also read,
consulted, preached and taught throughout the Christian world, in translation as the
first five books of the "Old Testament" ... Genesis through Deuteronomy.
Jews read from Torah-scrolls during synagogue services, and learn its content as part of the command to study it (Deuteronomy ch.11).
The Torah has supreme holiness and should not be touched by hand. However, it is read publicly and individuals are called up to the Torah to chant the blessings said before and after the reading of each section. In order that the person can follow the reading the reader uses a Yad or pointer to show the individual the place as the Torah is being read.
9532012. Israel uses a seven-digit code.
Sabbath and festival prayers (the Torah is read), some weekday morning prayers, prayers on fast days, Purim, Rosh Chodesh, and Hannukah. Also the Bar Mitzva ceremony (which is incorporated in the Sabbath morning prayers).
The word Torah means 'Teachings'.
Torah is the Hebrew word for "Teaching" or "Instruction".Answer:The Torah itself names itself "The Torah" (Deuteronomy 31:24).
The pointer a person uses in a synagogue is called a Yad. They use it to read from the Torah. It is also used during Bar Mitzvahs.
a male torah reader = koreh torah (קורא תורה) a female torah reader = koreht torah (קוראת תורה) (You can also say ba'al torah for men and ba'alat torah for women)
A D'var Torah is an expounding of a Torah idea or thought.
A Torah scroll, a Tanakh, a book with the Torah in it...! There are countless possibilities!