according to the bible it is Noah who build an ark .
There were 200 people who survived the Johnstown flood
The Bible tells us how animals and Noah's family survived the flood. A scientist friend of mine told me that his theory is that since seeds can travel with the ocean waves and grow in the first land they land on, that is for him the way trees survived the flood. In addition, large mats of vegetation from before the Flood may have floated upon the rising water and some of that greenery could have survived.
Noah from the Bible was born in Mesopotamia. According to the Bible, Noah survived for 350 years after the flood and lived to the age of 950.
Pyrrha, his wife.
according to the flood history in the book of Genesis, only 8 survived that.
This is miserably vague. I [the writer of this answer] survived more than one flood (and I'm only 17!).
Eight. Noah and his wife. Three sons, Shem,Ham, Jaheth and their wives.
Noah and the flood appears in Genesis
Flood of Noah in bible