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The pulpit is another name for a podium that a pastor usually preaches from while standing behind it. A worship leader or a person making announcements will often us a pulpit.

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Q: Who supposed to be in the pulpit church besides the pastor?
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Related questions

Who uses pulpit?

Namely the priest/pastor of the church.

What is the significance of the pulpit?

The pulpit in a church is very important, the pastor gives the sermon standing at the pulpit, it is placed either in the center or on a side. in the church, it is considered a holy place.

Why is pulpit important?

The pulpit in a Christian church is simply the place upon which a pastor sets his Bible and other notes.

What is the significant of a church pulpit?

The pulpit in a Christian church is simply the place upon which a pastor sets his Bible and other notes.

How is the pulpit used for?

The pastor uses the pulpit for reading the bible, giving the sermon and servng the communion.

Why is the pulpit doctrinally important in the Presbyterian church?

This is getting into the fine points a bit.... But One major purpose of the church is to enable a Teaching Elder (pastor) to expound the Word of God (the Bible) to the congregation. The members of the congregation listen attentively and, enabled by the Holy Spirit, apply the truths of God's Word to their lives. Thus, the sermon is of especial importance to the service and to the church, and this importance is highlighted by the presence of the pulpit. The pulpit, as well as the Geneva gown worn by the pastor, also hides what the pastor is wearing from the congregation so that they won't be distracted by noticing what the pastor is wearing.

What are the duties of a baptist church nurse?

to check the well being of the pulpit, giving the pastor juice, water, towel and to check on the member of the church and to assist with funeral.

What is the current status of Pastor Tims?

Pastor Tims is not allowed in the pulpit of his church until the issue is further investigated and looked into. Not much has been said about the matter, but it is definitely known in the community, and at church. Not much has been said because not much is known in particular about the affair itself, besides the fact that it did actually happen. We were all pretty devestated and are keeping him, his family and the Church in prayer. We ask that you do the same. I hope I've helped. :-)

What a pulpit in a church?

A Pulpit is where theParson gives the Sermon.

Where would one find a pulpit?

In a church. A pulpit is where the minister gives his sermon.

Who uses the pulpit?

A pulpit is typically used by religious leaders such as priests, ministers, or rabbis during religious services or ceremonies to deliver sermons or teachings to the congregation. It is a raised platform or lectern that allows the speaker to be seen and heard by the audience.

What color should you cover a pastor chair and pulpit with after he dies?
