The movement is called Protestant Reformation or the Protestant Revolt.
The Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Revolt
The protestant faith emergenced from the revolt against the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century.
protestantism arose as protest against the catholic church, to be free of the total domination excercised by the catholic church,
Protestants are called protestants because they PROTESTED against the catholic church because Henry viii was catholic but he wanted a divorce but the catholics would not let him, so he started his own church( church of England) and they were called the protestants, also you can not be protestant and catholic.
Basically at the time only the catholic church existed and when Henry wanted to get a divorce, the church refused. This resulted in him creating the Protestant church (notice the word protest) as a protest against the roman Catholics.
The Protestant Church emerged out of the Reformation of the Catholic Chruch
Martin Luther was angered by the corruption and what he saw as ludicrous beliefs of the catholic church. So he nailed his theses as a protest against it thus starting the Reformation.
No. The Protestant Church was founded by Martin Luther, a German Priest in the 14th century after seeing too much corruption in the Medieval Catholic Church. The center of the Protestant was to Protest against the Protestant Church, hence the word "Protest" in Protestant.
The Lutherans - a Church set up by Martin Luther in protest (ie 'Protestant') against what he saw as corruption in the Church of Rome.
Corruption within the Catholic Church. Martin Luther wanted reforms within the church, specifically pertaining to rich people being able to pay for having sins forgiven. The Catholic Church did make changes, but not quickly enough to prevent the Protestant Reformation, which resulted eventually in the whole Protestant branch of Christianity. This all started in 1517.
No: he protested how the Catholic Church was at the time...buying indulgences for sin, and the fact that the Catholic church was was very corrupt at the time. He did not reallly want to leave the Catholic Church, but was more or less forced out, because he could not along with a lot of the corruption.
at the time he started his England church.. and the "protestant" religon started which is named that way because they protested against the catholic church in rome... :P