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The prophet Hosea at Hosea 11:1 says: "When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son." We can find the fulfillment at :Matthew 2:15

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Q: Who said the Messiah would be taken out of Egypt?
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What is the probability that jesus is the messiah?

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He is considered the messiah because he is the son of God mathew 3:16-17 My church teacher thingy said that and she said because messiah means messenger and that's what Jesus was ; he was a messenger because he was giving the good word of his father.

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The Hebrew word Messiah means "the anointed". In earlier times, kings were anointed to show that they were accepted as rightful kings of Judah; the practice was also followed when high priests were appointed. The Greek translation of Messiah is Christ.After the Babylonian Exile ended the Judahite monarchy, the expectation grew that, one day, a new leader would come and would lead Judah to military victory over its enemies. This leader would be anointed and would be known as the Messiah.The Gospels have Jesus saying he was the Messiah, or Christ, not as the military leader that most Jews expected, but a spiritual Messiah who would lead his people to a spiritual victory.

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Who was the Jewish born leader who claimed to be the Messiah?

Jesus Christ. His disciples saw Him as the messiah: John 1:41 At once he found his brother Simon and told him, "We have found the Messiah." (This word means "Christ.") other people saw Him as the messiah: John 4:25 The woman said to him, "I know that the Messiah will come, and when he comes, he will tell us everything." John 4:26 Jesus answered, "I am he, I who am talking with you." Jesus Himself said He was the messiah: Matthew 16:20 Then Jesus ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

Why did the Jews long for the messiah to be born?

There are different types of moshiachim (Hebrew plural). If you're referring to 2000 years ago, Jews were looking for a King moshiach who would defeat the Romans. According to Jewish belief, the mashiach (Messiah) has not yet come.

Greek word for messiah?

Christos, meaning "anointed." In English, "Christ."John 1:41 - He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (which is translated, the Christ). [NKJV]

Why was Jesus hailed as the messiah?

The 'Messiah' is a prophesied leader of the Davidic line that would rise to rule the world; some other prophesies also relate to what this messiah would do. Because of Jesus' ministry, his early followers believed he was the one to fulfill said prophesies, which he did in part, according to the Bible. It is now a commonly-held (although sometimes disputed) teaching of Christianity that further prophesies will be fulfilled upon his second coming and thus his position, and belief in him, as the messiah are cemented in many people's minds.

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eneology payed a big part in both the testaments as prophet said that the messiah would come from the line of David.

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Like this..... "You have completly taken what I just said out of context".

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