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The Bible, and most Cristen's who believe in god!

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Q: Who said 'Mary is highly favoured by God'?
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Why does the Angel Gabriel call Mary 'highly favored'?

You refer to this passage in the first chapter of Luke's Gospel: v.28. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, [thou that art] highly favoured, the Lord [is] with thee: blessed [art] thou among women. Mary was the one young virgin of all the virgins in Israel chosen by God to bear Jesus, the Saviour of the world - certainly favoured and blessed! Later, when she is carrying the baby Jesus in her womb, she visits her cousin Elizabeth, who calls her, "the mother of my Lord"

Which married couple in the bible had favor with God?

Many married couples had favour with God in the Bible: Abraham and Sarah were favoured with a promised son Zacharia and Elizabeth were favoured with a son Mary and Joesph were favoured with the Saviour of the world Aquila and Priscilla were favoured with bringing Apollos to a deeper faith in Jesus And so it goes on

What does 'God favoured her' mean?

It means that Our Heavenly Father Preserved Mary from the stain of Original Sin, so that she would a Worthy Vessel to be the Mother of His Only Son.

What is Angel Gabriel's salutation?

This may well refer to the greeting with which the Angel Gabriel first addressed Mary when the news of Mary being the future mother of Jesus was brought:26And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, 27To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. 28And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

Was Theseus favoured by any particular god?


Is it right to worship Mary the mother of Jesus Christ?

i belive no. but it is your choice. god is the 1 that really was the mirical One meaning of the word worship is "A feeling of profound love and admiration". If this is the reason for your worship then this is acceptable, for a person may have such feelings for another person. However, where Deity is concerned the scriptures tell us that thou shalt worship God alone and no other. This is where our true worship should be directed. Worship is due only to Jesus Christ. Mary is the Mother of God, but she is not God. Therefore she is venerated and honoured, not worshipped, because she is blessed and highly favoured by God (Luke 1:28, 42 and 48).

Who does Jesus say are his true family in the Gospels?

Jesus said two family's were his family. He said the family of heaven was his family and it was as God is his father. But Mary and Joseph were also who he said was his family. He was right there too. Mary actually born him and Joseph was the father but God was his heavenly father. Still his father but God did not born him. Jesus was sent from heaven and born in the arms of Mary and Joseph.

What is the lyrics of Gentle Mary Humble Mary by donut man?

Gentle Mary, Humble Mary God has chosen you His Son to bear Humble Mary, Gentle Mary knows this will not be an easy care. The Angel said, Be not afraid,God favors thee, you shall bear a son, great he will be. Gentle Mary, Humble Mary God has chosen you His Son to bear Humble Mary, Gentle Mary knows this will not be an easy care. Mary replied, I kneel before you as the maidservant of the Lord. Let it now be done according to His Holy Word. Gentle Mary, Humble Mary God has chosen you His Son to bear Humble Mary, Gentle Mary knows this will not be an easy care. The Angel said, Be not afraid,God favors thee, you shall bear a son, great he will be. Great He will be.

What did the virgin Mary do to become siant?

She said Yes to God's Request, to Become the Mother Of His Son.

Why is Mary the Mother of God the first disciple?

Because she said 'Yes' to being Our Lord's Mother.

What was Mary's reaction to the greeting of the angel?

When a woman has a child, even the son of God. Mary's attention would have been on the welfare of the child. She knew that her newborn was the Sone of God as the angel had told her. Having shepherds come to visit, also the Wise Men would have been not suprise to her. We do not know what her thoughts were. It is most likely that she knew that these visitors knew who the child was and so allowed them to revere Him just like any other mother would.

Who is the Theotokos?

The Theotokos is the Greek name given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, meaning 'birthgiver of God'. She is called blessed because that is how the angel Gabriel sent by God addressed her: "Rejoice, highly favoured one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!" (Luke 1:28) The name Theotokos was affirmed by the Third Ecumenical Council, held at Ephesus in 431 AD. This means it was accepted by the entire Christian Church. The Theotokos is also known as the Mother of God, since she bore Jesus Christ, who is both Man and God.