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That is a Chinese proverb. BUT some say it is a PERSIAN saying! My question is "who said it first?"

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Bob Romero said that in his 1956 novel "Who Goes There?"

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Q: Who said 'A book is like a garden carried in the pocket'?
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What does a book is like a garden carried in the pocket mean?

This is a metaphor for the wonder and escapism that books provide. A book is something full of wonders, beauty and amazement that can all be fitted in a bit of paper. And when you tend to it, it will grow and flourish, much like a garden.

What does the chinease proverb mean - a book is like a garden carried in a pocket?

This is a metaphor for the wonder and escapism that books provide. Books are full of beauty, wonder and amazement and when you tend to it it will grow and flourish, much like a garden.

One example of simile?

simile is a comparison of 2 objects using like and as. example: You're as dumb as a bag of rocks

Why is the garden in lord of the flies like the Garden of Eden?

The garden in "Lord of the Flies" is like the Garden of Eden because it represents innocence, beauty, and a sense of paradise. Like the Garden of Eden, the garden in the book becomes corrupted by the boys' sinful actions and descent into savagery, symbolizing the loss of innocence and the fall from grace.

What does a pocket watch do?

A pocket watch is a portable timepiece that can be carried in a pocket. It tells time by using gears and springs to move the hands on the watch face. Some pocket watches also have additional features like alarms or a calendar display.

What is the difference between the pocket book of boosh and the mighty book of boosh?

"The Mighty Book of Boosh" is a comprehensive visual companion to the TV series and features artwork, behind-the-scenes photos, and interviews. "The Pocket Book of Boosh" is a smaller, more condensed version with selected highlights from the TV show and additional content like tour diaries.

What is the pocket god jet pack unlock code?

You have to go into a comic book store with a promotional poster for the pocket god comic book. On the poster should be a promo code.

Who sells small things that can be carried about?

Retailers such as convenience stores, gift shops, and online marketplaces sell small items that can be easily carried around. These items can include things like keychains, pocket-sized gadgets, and personal care products.

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How does the garden itself become a metaphor for what happens amoung its members?

What was grandpa Will like in the book the devil's arithmetic?

He had a pointy beard and carried a pitchfork around... oh, and he also had this 10 foot tail...

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a pocket full is something full in your pocket pocketful is like a handful

What is a trigger pocket for lacrosse?

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