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Augustus Caesar was the ruler of the Roman Empire at the time of the birth of Jesus. Tiberias was emperor throughout the time of his ministry. Herod the Great was the ruler of Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Perea and Idumea.

After the death of Herod in 4 BC, his kingdom was divided and his heirs became tetrarchs (or ruler of a quarter).

Salome I, (not the Salome who asked for the head of John the Baptist)), was Herod's sister and ruled the cities of Jabneh, Azotas, Phaesalis)

Herod Archelaus ruled Judea, Samaria and Idumea until he was dismissed in 6 CE by Augustus Caesar.

This region then came under the rule of Quirinius the governor of Syria and prefects were appointed by the emperor to rule the new province named Iudea (basically a Roman spelling for Judea). Quirinius was governor from 6 AD to 12 AD.

Coponius ruled from 6 AD to 9 AD.

Pontius Pilate ruled from 26 AD to 36 AD.

Herod Antipas ruled as tetrarch of Galilee and Perea from 4 BC until he was dismissed by Caligula in 39 AD.

Philip the Tetrarch inherited the northeastern portion of his father's kingdom: Gaulanitus and rebuilt Caesaria Philippi (named after himself).

The only other significant territory was the Decapolis which was a group of ten cities that were essentially Roman colonies and self-ruling.

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7y ago
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13y ago
  1. King Herod ruled Jerusalem while Jesus was born

    Pontius Pilate was the Governor of the Region, both were installed by the Roman Empire.

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13y ago

Herod the Great, a Roman Puppet, was in control during the birth. After him Jurusalem was under the rule of the Romans, who destroyed the Temple as predicted by Christ. See this wikipedia page below:

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14y ago

Israel had ceased to exist in 722 BCE, many centuries before the time of Jesus. Where once was Israel was called Samaria in the time of Jesus - the land of the Good Samaritan. The gospels say that Jesus spent most of his life in Galilee, but also in the city of Jerusalem, in Judea. The entire region was ruled by Rome.

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15y ago

King Herod was king. He ordered all babies killed when Jesus was born.

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14y ago

Herod Antipas (Antipas does not translate into something like anti peace, it's just a name).

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13y ago

Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great, ruled Galilee from 4 BCE to 39 CE. If Jesus died during the time of Pontius Pilate as governor of Judea, then Antipas was the ruler of Galilee.

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13y ago

It was herod Antipas, the son of Herod the great.

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11y ago

The Romans ruled over Judea in the time of Jesus and I believe it was the Roman emperor Nero.

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