The Quran was revealed by God (Allah) to Prophet Mohamed (peace upon him) through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril).
God revelation of Quran started in year 610 AD when Mohammed(PBUH) was at age 40 and was meditating in a mountain cave called 'Ghar Hiraa' in Mecca (or Makkah). Quran revelation continued until year 632 AD (till death of prophet Mohamed peace upon him).
Quran contains lots of scientific statements regarding many biological, astronomical, geographic, historical , ... facts and phenomena that were possible to be validated and proved only by the current state of discoveries and technologies. These statements that are usually called "scientific miramcles of Quran" are strong proof that Quran is God revelation to prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and that Quran could not be written by any human in the seventh century with having these scientific information.
Allah kept the Quran in the form of a preserved tablet. When it was time, Allah sent the Quran to the 4th heaven to the arch-angel Gabriel. He revealed it to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) in the "Cave Of Hira", when he was 40 years old. This took place in the holy month of Ramadan. The whole Quran was revealed in 23 years (610-632 A.D).
1) The messages given were contradictory: Gabriel gave a message to Mary, the mother of Jesus, that Jesus would be called the Son of God (Luke 1:35). Gabriel gave a message to Prophet Daniel that Messiah would die for sins (Dan 9:24-26). The spirit that spoke to Mohammad gave a contradictory message. Hence the Biblical Gabriel did not speak to Mohammad.
2) The Biblical figures knew who appeared to them, Mohammad did not: Daniel, Zachariah and Mary knew that it was Gabriel who appeared to them (Daniel 9:21, Luke 1:19, Luke 1:26-35). Mohammad was not aware of who spoke to him at the Cave of Hira. It was the opinion of his wife Kadijah and his cousin Waraqa that made Mohammad to believe that it was Gabriel of the Bible who spoke to him.
3) The Biblical figures were never forced to do anything by Gabriel but Mohammad was forcefully pressed down to the ground: This spirit who spoke to Mohammad pressed him down forcefully and asked him to recite, to which the terrified Mohammad replied I cannot recite. This ordeal repeated three times!
4) The spirit was ignorant that Mohammad could not read : The spirit asked three times Mohammad to read. A real angel of God should have known that he do not know how to read.
5) Mohammad was terrified even hours after this spirit spoke to him: Mohammad had to go to Kadijah, his first wife, terrified and said "Cover me, cover me." This experience of fear was with Mohammad several days. This was never the case of Biblical prophets like Moses, Daniel or Elijah when angels spoke to them. Biblical figures were not fearful after the Gabriel talked to them.
The Biblical Gabriel did not speak to Mohammad and this would account for the contradictory beliefs and teachings from the Bible that Mohammad introduced.
According to islamic sources, the Qur'an may have been introduced to 'Muhammad' by the parental cousin( 'Waraka ibn Nawfal' ), of his first wife 'Kadijah'.
Waraka was a Roman Catholic Ebionite Priest living in Mecca, and one who had made detailed studies of the Christian Gospels and the Old Testament scriptures.
Muslim tradition maintains that Waraka was one of the believers in the Age of Ignorance, meaning that he was a believer before the prophecy of Muhammad. Waraka would frequently contemplate and pray at the Kaaba and began to read the Biblical texts in their original language and even learned to read Hebrew.
As Muhammad grew in age, Waraka's influence over him and knowledge of the sacred scriptures increased, which may help to explain the similarity between the Qur'an and the Holy Bible. Several years later, during Muhammad's reported first revelation (which is understood to be Q. XCVI: 1-5), Waraka recognized his call to prophecy as authentic and tradition recounts Waraka saying: "There has come to him the greatest Law that came to Moses; surely he is the prophet of this people".
Waraka, upon accepting Muhammad's prophecy, remained a Christian and, in later accounts, was counted among Muhammad's companions.
Muhammad is later reported to have said of Waraka: "Do not slander Waraka ibn Nawfal, for I have seen that he will have one or two gardens in Paradise."
Encyclopedia of Islam, Online ed., Waraka b. Nawfal
Ibn Hisham, The Life of Muhammad, 3rd ed., vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 73.
Reading What Really Happened Up There?
Saheeh al-Jaami as-Sagheer, 6/1534, no. 7197
The Holy Quran is the word from Allah who revealed to Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) whom is the last messenger of Allah.
Allah Subhanatala told Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about islam.
It was revealed to the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), through the Arch Angel Hazrat Gabriel (AS) as commanded by Almighty Allah It is the word of Almighty Allah.
First of all Quran wasn't discovered. Quran is Allah's word revealed to the prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him who became a prophet after just when receiving the first revelations of the holy Quran.
The holy Qur'an is the last heavenly Book revealed to the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). It is the word of Almighty God (Allah in Arabic). It tells the Muslims the Attributes of Almighty Allah and the way of life liked by Almighty Allah.
because prophet Mohammad [saw] is the messanger of Allah
I believe all Muslims believe the Word of Allah was revealed only through the Qur'an. Muslims believe Muhammad was the last prophet and that the Qur'an was divinely revealed through him. If you're talking about Islamic Law, however, the Hanbali school interprets the Qur'an most literally.AnswerThere is a certain group of people known as Qur'an alone Muslims. The above answer is wrong in that Muslims believe that Allah's words were also revealed in the Hadith Qudsi, when the Prophet Muhammad (S) paraphrased the words of Allah. These Qur'an Alone Muslims do not accept the hadith as a source of legislation. This is contrary to what Muslims should believe and against what Sunnis and Shi'as believe in.
The Qur'an is not made of anything. It is the heavenly word of Almighty Allah revealed to the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in Arabic language and translated in many languages of the world.
NO. Allah is the God,the Creator,the Almighty, who has no beginning nor end nor history. He is the Eternal. Quran is His word revealed to the prophet Muhammad PBUH,it includes many things: stories, lessons,commands,prohibitions & recommendations,scientific facts...etc.
The Holy Quran was revealed to Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) by Allah (God) through the Angel Gabriel as the final message of Allah (God) to mankind. The Holy Quran was written to create a permanent copy of Allah's (God's) final message to mankind after this there would be no more messages from Allah (God). Due the sheer importance of this message, when ever a part of it was revealed to Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peach be Upon Him) it was immediately written almost every time by at least 3 followers of Prophet Muhammad (Peace to be upon him) to create a hard copy in the presence of Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him). It was also immediately memorised by those people. Thus eliminating the chances of it being corrupted by anything and ensuring that what originally was revealed by Angel Gabriel is what exactly is in Quran word for word. For more info
The holy Qur'an has NOT been written by any human being. It is the Word of Almighty Allah (GOD). It is a heavenly book revealed to the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). Hazrat Ali RAU was a child of 10 or 11 years old when the revelation of the Qur'an to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) started. In fact, no Prophet of Almighty God himself wrote a book. The message of Allah Almighty was revealed to them mostly by Arch Angel Hazrat Gabriel (AS).
it contains the word of Allah as told to Muhammad.