"Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston was published in 1937.
Zora Neale Hurston published her second novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, in 1937. In 2005, a movie adaptation was created.
In the movie Their Eyes were watching God Michael Ealy, played Teacake.
A god that doesn't show any pity or remorse.
Their Eyes Were Watching God - 2005 TV is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M Netherlands:12
Janie was just a teenager when she married Logan in "Their Eyes Were Watching God."
Jody bought the apples and candy from Matt Bonner's store in the book "Their Eyes Were Watching God."
1937. 1937, is the right answer! Take a look at the attached link for some more info, if you're interested.
Tea Cake's real name in "Their Eyes Were Watching God" is Vergible Woods. He is referred to as Tea Cake throughout the novel.