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Nothing. There is no god to worship in Buddhism. Many non-Buddhists think that Buddhists worship the buddha as a god or Christ igure, Not so. Enlightenment depends on one's own efforts to improve.

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13y ago
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13y ago

1.) Behind all the gods is the ultimate divinity known as Brahman, the God beyound God.

2.) Vishnu is worshiped as himself and as his Avatars:

  • Matsya (The Fish) The First Avatar
  • Kurma (The Turtle) The 2nd Avatar
  • Varaha (The Boar) The 3rd Avatar
  • Narasima (The Human-God-Beast) The 4th Avatar
  • Vamana (The Dwarf) The 5th Avatar
  • Rama(Ramacandra) The 7th Avatar
  • Krishna (Krsna) The 8th Avatar
  • Buddha The 9th Avatar
  • And one that has not appered yet: Kalkin The 10th Avatar

3.) Agni, the fire god

4.) Indra, the thunder god.

5.) Soma, the god of delight and immortality

6.) Varuna, the god who binds

7.) Rudra, the roarer

8.) Purusha, the Primordial Man

9.) Tad Ekam (The One), The source of Mystery

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15y ago

One worships a god.

Buddha isn't a god.

One reveres a great inspiration or thinker or a person who is a thought leader.

Revere isn't the same as worship.

Therefor no one worships the Buddha. He is a man, Buddhists rever him as a wise person as he determined a method by which mankind could escape pain and suffering and attain enlightenment.

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13y ago

No one. Buddhists worship no Gods or Deities. Some sects believe that there may be a God Realm where some people attain a temporary god-like existence as a reward for their actions, but it is not a part of the formal religion. And as for bowing to a statue of The Buddha, it is more a formal showing of respect, not worship.

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Q: Who or what is worshipped in Hinduism?
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Where Hinduism is primary worshipped?

Primarily Hinduism is worshipped at their homes. Or some people might go to Temple to worship God in Hinduism.

Where is Hinduism worship?

Primarily Hinduism is worshipped at their homes. Or some people might go to Temple to worship God in Hinduism.

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Who is the most worshipped god in Hinduism?

That's hard but i think that it is Shiva-the destroyer

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Hinduism is a common polytheistic religion.

What is the god is worshipped in Hinduism?

Krishna. In fact all the gods and goddesses in Hinduism are reincarnations of Krishna - each manifestation comes at a historical point where the return of Krisna to the world is needed.

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Vishnu is one of the major hindu gods. He is known to have 10 forms (avatars). Vishnu is worshipped as a god, and so are Krishna and Rama, who are worshipped as seperate gods even though they are incarnatins of vishnu.

What is an example of poly-theism?

An ancient example would be the Roman pagan religion, in which many gods were worshipped. A more modern example would be Hinduism, in which thousands of gods are worshipped. Polytheism comes from poly which means many, and theos, which means god.

What is a polytheistic faith?

Polytheism is a religion that has many GodÍs or GoddessÍs that are worshipped as one or many deities. Examples of Polytheism are Buddhism, Shinto, Hinduism, and the Serer religion.

Where in the world is Hinduism worshipped?

Hinduism is not something one worships, however there are many people who believe in a certain system based around ancient teachings known as "Vedas" -- and this set of beliefs is popularly known as Hinduism. The Vedas had their origins in ancient India and it is in India where most people known as "Hindu" live.

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