The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown by the Abbasid Revolution in 750 AD. having lost much of their power during the Third Muslim Civil War (744-747 AD).
750 AD was the 8th century (700-799).
750 AD was the 8th century (700-799).
Japan lost power..
the 8th century
Yes because the Rashidun Caliphate started at 632 AD and ended in 661 AD so the Umayyad caliphate started and the Umayyad caliphate ended in 749 AD so the Abbasid Caliphate start....
Spain was under Muslim control by 750 AD.
It was 1100-750 b.c.
661-750 AD
Romulus Augustus lost his power in 476 AD, which is considered the fall of the western Roman empire and the end of ancient Rome.
Baghdad. Al-Mansur made it Baghdad.
islamic golden age..