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Q: Who lives in Pakistan Muslims or Hindus?
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Why were the Muslims and Hindus in this image trying to board trains?

The Muslims wanted to get to Pakistan and the Hindus wanted to get to India.

Why did Pakistan want independence?

Pakistan wanted independence because of religious reason. the two religious Hinduism and Islam couldn't live together. finally most Muslims went to Pakistan and made prace with Hindus and now Hindus have India. Muslims have Pakistan

What country was created because of the tensions between Muslims and Hindus in India?


What are the confusions of Muslims in Pakistan about ideology of Pakistan?

Pakistan got independence on the basis of Two Nation Theory according to which Muslims and Hindus were two separate nations and couldn't live together. I think there is no confusions in the minds of Pakistani Muslims.

In India and Pakistan feelings of nationalism are intertwined with religious conflict between?

Muslims and Hindus .

Why did India turn into India and Pakistan?

Because they had many conflicts in the past. The 1948 Indo-Pakistan War, 1965 Indo-Pakistan War,1971 Indo-Pakistan War and the 1999 Kargil War. Religion is another thing because during the partation of india heaps of muslims were killed in india by sikhs and hindus and in pakistan many hindus were also tortued and killed.

How many Sikhs population live in Pakistan?

in pakistan there are about 7 million hindus let me make it more easy there are 7000000 hindus in pakistan and 94% of them lives in sindh

What are the two major religions in Bangladesh?

One is Islam. The people that follow this religion are called Muslims.

Which governments has Pakistan faced?

Pakistan was once part of the British empire. The majority of the Muslims wanted a separate government from the Hindus of India.

Is Pakistan a Hindu country?

yes there are about 0.5% of population hindus, mainly in sindh province.

What was the conflict between Muslims and hindus in Pakistan and India about?

it was about Pakistan being divided up by Gandhi, and India being its own independent country

Why did large numbers of Hindus and Muslims migrate after India's independence?

The Muslims and the Hindus are two different nations. They follow different religions. Their traditions, culture, customs, ideals and beliefs are totally different. Tey neither inter-dine nor inter-marry. When India was divided, riots broke in the subcontinent. The fear of loss of life and wholesale killing of one nation at the hands of the other made this large scale migration take place.