Oscar Romero became the Archbishop of San Salvador in 1977.
He was Catholic.
Archbishop Oscar Romero High School was created in 2004.
Oscar Romero was 59 years old when appointed archbishop on February 23, 1977.
Archbishop Oscar Romero High School's motto is 'We plant the seed that one day will grow'.
Oscar Romero has not yet been beatified so does not have a feast day.
Oscar Romero was shot during the consecration at a Mass he was saying on March 24, 1980.
He was the archbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador.
In a Church as an archbishop in El Salvador.
some one help me with this please. i need to do an essay on archbishop Oscar romero. and this is one of the questions they've asked.
Oscar Romero was never in great health. However, I do not know if they attributed this to any one particular cause.
Oscar Romero was an ArchBishop in South America. He opposed the Government's treatment of poor people, & was assassinated for it.