The patron saints of actor and actresses are Saint Genesius of Rome and Saint Vitus.
There is no patron saint of stagehands but there are patron saints of actors and actresses.
There are no patron saints of acting. However, there are patron saints of actors and actresses:GenesiusVitusPelagia the Penitent
There is no patron saint of performers unless the performers are musicians or comedians or actors/actresses.
There is no patron saint of entertainment. However, there are patrons of actors, actresses and musicians.
St. Genesius is the patron saint of actors, comedians, dancers, theatrical performers, and musicians.
The patron saints of actors are St. Genesius and St. Vitus. The patron saint of actresses is St. Pelagia the Penitent.
The Patron Saint Inex lists no patron saints of bears.
There is no specific saint of entertainers. There are patrons of comedians, actor, actresses, musicians, etc.
A patron saint is supposed to be a protector in the Catholic religion. Patron Saint Angelico is the patron saint of artists. A patron saint is a protector of life.
As per the Patron Saint Index, there is no patron saint of wrestlers. However, Saint Sebastian is the patron saint of all athletics and athletes.
Saint Lillian is not a patron saint as per the Patron Saint Index.
There is a patron saint of Wales but no patron saint of whales.