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Nataraja is known as the Lord of the Dance.

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Q: Who is the god of dance Hinduism?
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Who is the god in Hinduism?

Brahma is the most important god in Hinduism

Do they sing and dance to gods in Hinduism?

Hinduism has an ancient, highly sophisticated culture of arts, music and dance which celebrate the gods.

According to Hinduism Vishnu is the God of?

According to Hinduism, Vishnu is the god of protection.

Who is the Hinduism's Gods?

Brahma is the most important god in Hinduism

What is Hinduism diety?

Hinduism has many God & Goddess . But main God is Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu & Lord Brahma. This is known as the main trinity of Hinduism.

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Islam says God exist and there is no God but Allah. Hinduism believes in existence of multiple Gods.

What is the main type of dance in Hinduism?

main type of dance in Hinduism are those used by Aryans & Dravidian people or by Gods. Mainly bhangra, navaratri, katthakali & kuchipudi, bharatnatyam.

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In Hinduism how does someone find God?

There is no direct answer for that. The way a person finds God in Hinduism is different for each person.

Explain why Hinduism is both monotheistic and has over 300 million gods?

No, hinduism does not have that many God. It is just a misconception of foreign researchers. All the God in Hinduism are different form of one Supreme God.

Can you worship God in Hinduism?

They have many gods. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion.

What is the ultimate reality to Hinduism?

Yes, Hinduism does revolve around this idea. Hinduism believe in one Supreme God & Incarnation (avatāra) theory. He is called Supreme God in Hinduism.