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Christianity has its roots in Judaism, the religion on the Jewish people. The very first Christians (including Jesus and his Apostles) were Jews, keeping the Sabbath on Saturday, for example, and presumably making sacrifices to the God of Israel at the Temple in Jerusalem as was the custom of the day. Jesus' parents Mary and Joseph are described in the Gospels as having gone to the Temple to make an offering in thanksgiving for Jesus' birth.

Both Judaism and Christianity have changed considerably since the first century, however, so that neither closely resemble the practices of the time of Jesus. The Judaism of Jesus' day was centered on the Temple in Jerusalem, which was permanently destroyed by the Romans about 40 years after Jesus' crucifixion. Judaism today (often called "rabbinic" Judaism) is governed by the writings called the Talmud codified by rabbinic sages who lived a few hundred years later.

Christianity quickly shed its ties to Temple Judaism. The Apostle Paul (aka Saul of Tarsus, believed to also be the Paul who wrote the New Testament epistles bearing his name), supported the conversion of nonbelievers into Christianity without first requiring a conversion to Judaism or the adopting of Jewish laws. This worked to make Christianity "easier" for Roman subjects who did not have to alter their food, dress or customs to those of the Jews in order to convert.

When Christianity was legalized in the Roman Empire in the year 313, the ties to Judaism were all but completely severed. At the Council of Nicaea, in 325, the basic tenets of modern Christianity were laid out, including the Sunday Sabbath, divinity of Jesus, etc. The tenor of many of the documents coming from the council was less than positive about the Jews, however, solidifying centuries of mistrust and bloodshed. (As an aside, the Council also kicked off centuries of in-fighting amongst various Christian sects which cost many lives and was at least partially responsible for the break up of the Empire).

Today, both Jews and Christians consider the Hebrew Bible (in Hebrew, the Tanakh, which is the Christian Old Testament) a sacred text, but Christians and Jews arrange the books in a different order and interpret some of the passages quite differently. There are some verses that are seen by Jews as talking about a messiah who has not yet come (or about unrelated events in history) which are seen by Christians as foretelling of Jesus. See Micah 5:2, Daniel 7:13-14, Isaiah 9:6-7 and Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12.

Further, the laws of the first five books (the Torah) are also approached differently, with Jews having three millennia old (and still evolving) legal code based on Torah law, and Christians seeing many (but not all) of the laws as having been "fulfilled" by Jesus' death and resurrection and therefore no longer applicable.

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The founder of the Christian faith is Jesus,he wasn't Christian himself (he was born into a Jewish family, he was born a Jew). He passed on the teachings of Christianity, and the word of God, to his disciples. Paul, one of his disciples, became the first Pope of the Christian faith, therefore it is arguable that he was the founder of the Christian faith. St. Paul spread the word of God and Christianity among the peoples on earth. But it is important to acknowledge that without Jesus there would be no Christianity.

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