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8y ago
Answers and Alternates:Alternate: Saul, who became Paul of Tarsus

Many people believe it is Jesus Christ. It was really Saul, who became Paul of Tarsus. Paul and his followers were brought to Antioch and throughout the whole year they assembled in the church and taught many people. So they were first called Christians in Antioch.

Paul and his Gentile followers. Christ brought the original teachings, but Paul, a gifted teacher, preacher and administrator, actually got Christianity off to its start. Acts 11:26 says 'And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.'

Alternate: The Holy Spirit

I would suggest that it was the Holy Spirit, which - at Pentecost - gave the apostles the courage to go out and preach Christ's message.

Alternate: Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is defined as "the founder of Christianity". Regardless of whether or not Jesus was a deity, there is historical proof that He founded Christianity.

When Jesus was 30 years old, He was baptized in the Jordan River and was anointed by God's Holy Spirit . This signalled the beginning of His ministry and is thought to have been in approximately 29 A.D. By His preaching, Jesus and His disciples cured the sick, performed miracles (to show that they had God's blessings) and raised the dead, to show that the nation of Israel was no longer the chosen people because they had rejected and later the Romans put God's Son to death (33 A.D). Christ's apostles and disciples later carried the 'Good News ' to all parts of the Earth to show that now, everyone can gain everlasting life by being a Christian.

Christianity was started by Christ Himself, as John the Baptist prepared for the arrival of Christ in the wilderness, and all of His disciples, and later most of them became Apostles, they carried on Christ's way of living and of teaching, as well as His name, heralding themselves as Christians, since Antioch.

Christians themselves would see Christ as the founder of Christianity. They would argue that Christ's deliberate usurpation as interpretor of the Old Law (His sermon on the mount, "You have heard it said, but I say unto you..."), His divine claims and His founding of a New Testament to be deliberate acts of inaugurating a new religion, not reforming an existing one. Had Christ not been God, His audacity at attempting the above would not only have been blasphemous and impotent, but it would have amounted to nothing more than a Jewish heresy.

The Catholic View of this alternate:

While Constantine did many crucial things to establish the church in Rome, he was not the founder of Christianity. The Christian Church was started by Jesus when he said to Peter, "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I shall build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." It is documented, recorded history that Peter was the first Head of the Church with a chronological order that has followed of successors to Pope Benedict of today. Constantine presided over the Council at Niceae in 325AD. By then, the Church was well established with early church fathers using the word "Catholic" as early at 46AD to describe the Church which Jesus founded. The Council at Niceae was held due to the fact that by then, the Church had grown so much and was spreading so far, the Bishops and Cardinals felt it necessary to get together and put into writing the traditions and writings that would become the bible and traditions that are still used today by over 1 billion Catholics worldwide.

Christianity was neither started by Paul, nor Apollos, nor Peter, nor Mark, nor Luke, or any regular man, as Christ was the first to never sin, He was the One prophesied multiple times in the Old Testament, and He was the One who layed His life down for the sins of mankind, and He was the One who took His life up from the literal gates of hell to promise eternal life to all who trusted their souls to His saving power.

Alternate: James the Just, the brother of Jesus

The followers of Jesus were Nazarenes. The Nazarenes (Hebrew: Netzarim,) were a group of early followers of Jesus of Nazareth who, like the Ebionites, were noteworthy for refusing to follow Christianity in its complete break with Judaism. The sect may have been started by James the Just, the brother of Jesus.

Alternate: Reform Movement within Judaism

Christianity began as a specific sect of Judaism in ancient Rome.

The myth that Christ founded it is false, He was trying to reform Judaism.

Alternate: The Roman Emperor Constantine

Christianity, as it exists today, is the result of Emperor Constantine who wanted to find a way to unite Europe. Technically, "catholic" means "universal". Constantine was using religion as a binding force to unite the many different religious beliefs of the European people. Those who believed in a "Mother earth" God were told that Mary was that mother. Those who believed that the evergreen tree contained a special status because it never lost it's greenery were told that the Christmas Tree was important. Jews were brought in when Constantine claimed that the origin of Christianity was a Jewish Rabbi.

After creating his universal church, Constantine's armies went across the land, forcing everyone to worship the Christian diety.

Remember that history is written by the victor, and Constantine won the battle to Unite Europe. He was the one who rewrote history and the one who made many of the claims about Jesus.

Islamic perspectiveAllah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) is the founder of Christianity through God revelation of the Bible to Jesus (peace be upon him).
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13y ago

i thing Jesus is the founder for christian

Christianity was not founded by anyone but was supposedly created by god. Christianity had later spread through all of Europe but there really was no "real" founder during that time.

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8y ago

Jesus Christ came to reveal His Father to humankind and establish His Church - called a dozen times in the New Testament as 'The Church of God.' Followers were initially referred to as disciples who follow 'The Way.' It wasn't until sometime later in Antioch - perhaps a decade after the Resurrection - the followers were called Christians in a negative way.

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14y ago

Jesus Christ!

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Q: Who is the founder of Christianity?
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Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.Spartacus was not the founder of Christianity. He lived and acted a hundred years before Christianity became a sect. Christianity was founded by the disciples of Jesus Christ.

Who was the Christianity-founder and what are the Christians beliefs?

The founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ who was God incarnate. Read about it more here:

How is Christianity founder?

jesus christ

Name of the founder of Christianity?


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jesus christ

Who is the founder for Christianity?

Jesus Christ.

Who was the founder for Christianity?

The Lord Jesus Christ.