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Q: Who is the first Hindu god of the world?
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Who is barhma?

first god in the hindu trimurti :)

Do Hindu's believe that God created the world?

I think Hindus believe that they god created the world.

Hindu god destroyet of the world?

Lord Shiva

What is the meaning of Hindu name prathamesh?

Pratham means first, Ish means God; so 'first God'. The first God for any Hindu will depend on his belief. It could be Shiva or Vishnu, or any other.

Is Hindu god oldest god?

No one can tell exactly when the concept of religion started. Although, based on evidence and history, we can choose to accept or not the Hindu god as the first god.

Th Hindu god who was the teacher of the world?

Brahma creator of the world teacher of the world

Who is biswakarma?

Biswa-karma is the Hindu god of architecture of the world.

Who is the Hindu god who was considered creator of the world?

suraj nivethan

What do Hindus share when praying?

A Hindu or non Hindu prayer is just a request to God for help. After prayer, a Hindu can do some charity or distribute food that is first offered to God with love.

Which god to pray first and how to pray in Hindu temple?

In a Hindu temple, one should always pray to lord Ganesha first.

Does Hindu have a god?

yes, hindu have a god

Who is the Hindu God known as the creator?

Hindu god who is called as creator is Bramha but the first mother of the earth is "Adiparashakthi" , she is the one who created bramha,vishnu and shiva.