her father was khawalid
His name was Khuwaylid ibn Asad ibn Abduluzza ibn Qusayy (Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasul Allah, Guillaume's translation, Oxford University Press, p. 82).
This Qusayy was the one who had taken over Mecca and ruled it like a tyrant 120 years before Khadija was born (Ibn Ishaq, pp. 52-53, 56). All of his descendants were considered the "inner circle" of the Quraysh (Lings, Muhammad, Inner Traditions, p. 6).
Khuwaylid must have been an important citizen because he was a commander in the Sacrilegious War (Al-Waqidi, Kitab al-Maghazi, cited in Muir (1861), Mahomet, Smith, & Co, vol. 2 pp. 7 f9, 22, 24 f28).
whose hazrat sara,s father.
Hazrat Ibrahim's father name was Aazar.
Hazrat Daud
Hazrat Ibrahim's father name was Aazar.
Hazrat Ismaiel (AS) was the elder son of Prophet Hazrat Abraham (AS). His mother's name was Hazrat Hajira (AS). Hazrat Issac (AS) was his younger brother. His mother's name was Hazrat Sara (AS).
khatab _____________________________________ His father name is Al-Khattab
Son of Hazrat Nooh A.S and father of the Africans.
Was the father of sAra prophet? His name
Hazrat consoles her grandfather by placing pebbles at the same spot where her father used to keep his money. She was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr.
hazrat Abdullah bin Hashim
hazrat abu bakkar siddiq r.a
Qais abdur rashid marry hazrat khalid bin waleed daughter name sara..