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Hinduism does not have any spiritual leaders. Different aspects ofthis religion can be practised as a matter of choice. It's a very free religion and does not bind you in anything. hindus believe in ONE God and the different manifestations of the same God.

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Q: Who is the current spiritual leader for Hinduism?
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Who is the present ruler or leader of Hinduism?

Hinduism does not have any spiritual/religious leader.

Who is the spiritual leader in Hinduism?

There is no one spiritual leader in Hinduism and so there is no authority on Hinduism. This is what makes it un-dogmatic (if that's a word). A priest only has jurisdiction on his 'parish' and no wider audience than that. However, there are many mythical stories of the various gods and goddesses and hindus take their examples as the ideals. But there is no compulsion to do so as you can have a living guru (spiritual guide) who you may follow. Mahatma Gandhi was a great spiritual leader in his time and although he has a place in this history books he is no longer revered as a spiritual leader today.

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Current leader of Hinduism is Shankaracharya, Shree shree ravishankara Maharaja & Pramukhswami Maharaja. Also Mohan Bhagwat & Pravin Togadiya are leaders of Hinduism world wide.

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Hinduism does not have any spiritual/religious head.

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A Guru or holy teacher, also know as a spiritual leader, preceptor or Holy enlightener. Occasionally, a Brahmin teaches.

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As far as I am aware Islam does not have a single spiritual leader, in the same way that Christianity has the Pope. Until the end of the Ottoman Empire (1918) the sultan of the Ottoman Empire was the de facto spiritual leader of Islam.

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