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Q: Who is the Egyptian god of the sea?
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Related questions

Is there a Egyptian god that starts with y?

No there is not a Egyptian god or goddess who names starts with Z.

When did god part the seas?

God parted the Red sea when the Egyptian army chased the isarealites in the desert near the red sea.

What did the Egyptian god yam look like?

Yam was the god of the sea, untamed and raging. Originally a Ugarit god.

What happened at the sea of Reeds when the Jewish people were escaping from the Egyptian army?

God split the sea (Exodus ch.14).

Who Is The Equivalent To Poseidon In Egypt?

There is no equivalent in Egyptian Mythology, but the closest would be Yam (Yamm) who was worshipped as the God of the Sea during Ancient Egyptian times.

What was the Egyptian god bes the god of?

The Egyptian god Bes was the dwarf god.

Who was the Egyptian god zozer?

There is no Egyptian god Zozer.

Who was the Egyptian god of lice?

There was no Egyptian god of lice.

Who was the Egyptian God of wheat?

There is no Egyptian god of wheat, however there is an Egyptian god of grain. The name of this god was 'Neper'. He was sometimes called 'Neper the reaper' because of his association with grain and harvesting.

What Egyptian god had to do with gnats?

That was the Biblical god of Abraham, not a Egyptian god or goddess.

Who is the Egyptian god of magic?

The Egyptian God of Magic is Isis.

What is the Egyptian god of the moon?

Then egyptian god of the moon is Aah