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A textual variant is found in the United Bible Societies' third edition with the following translation: "...whom will ye that I release unto you? Jesus Barabbas or Jesus who is called Christ (Matthew 27:17) Here Barabbas is referred to as Yeshua bar ABBA which is translated ("Jesus son of the Father"). There are many theories as to why both Jesus and Barabbas have the same first name. One in particular is that they are actually one and the same. The dilemma of the release of Barabbas is resolved by the suggestion that the original text was edited to exonerate the Romans and to implicate the Jews for the crucifixion of Christ Jesus. The theory explains that when the crowd requested the release of Bar-Abba, they were actually referring to the release of Jesus Christ - the son of God the Father. The problem with this theory, however, is that it does not explain why Jesus was not released as the crowd requested and ultimately met his demise at the hands of the Romans.

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*** it-1 p. 254 Barabbas ***


(Bar·ab′bas) [Son of the Father; possibly, Son of the Teacher].

The imprisoned criminal guilty of robbery, sedition, and murder whom Pilate set free in place of Jesus. Pilate did this, "wishing to satisfy the crowd" who clamored for the release of Barabbas at the insistence of the chief priests and older men.-Mt 27:15-26; Mr 15:6-15; Lu 23:16-25; Joh 18:39, 40; Ac 3:14.

This unique custom of releasing a prisoner on the eve of the Passover every year finds no basis or precedent in the Hebrew Scriptures, and there is no extrabiblical evidence of it as a Roman practice. It evidently was of Jewish origin, because Pilate said to the Jews: "You have a custom that I should release a man to you at the passover."-Joh 18:39.

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11y ago

The Bible does not mention his first name.

Here are the scriptures that mention Barabbas:

(Matthew 27:15-26) 15 Now from festival to festival it was the custom of the governor to release a prisoner to the crowd, the one they wanted. 16 Just at that time they were holding a notorious prisoner called Bar·ab′bas. 17 Hence when they were gathered together Pilate said to them: "Which one do YOU want me to release to YOU, Bar·ab′bas or Jesus the so-called Christ?" 18 For he was aware that out of envy they had handed him over. 19 Moreover, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent out to him, saying: "Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I suffered a lot today in a dream because of him." 20 But the chief priests and the older men persuaded the crowds to ask for Bar·ab′bas, but to have Jesus destroyed. 21 Now in responding the governor said to them: "Which of the two do YOU want me to release to YOU?" They said: "Bar·ab′bas." 22 Pilate said to them: "What, then, shall I do with Jesus the so-called Christ?" They all said: "Let him be impaled!" 23 He said: "Why, what bad thing did he do?" Still they kept crying out all the more: "Let him be impaled!" 24 Seeing that it did no good but, rather, an uproar was arising, Pilate took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying: "I am innocent of the blood of this [man]. YOU yourselves must see to it." 25 At that all the people said in answer: "His blood come upon us and upon our children." 26 Then he released Bar·ab′bas to them, but he had Jesus whipped and handed him over to be impaled.

(Mark 15:6-15) 6 Well, from festival to festival he used to release to them one prisoner, whom they petitioned for. 7 At the time there was the so-called Bar·ab′bas in bonds with the seditionists, who in their sedition had committed murder. 8 So the crowd came on up and started to make petition according to what he used to do for them. 9 Pilate responded to them, saying: "Do YOU want me to release to YOU the king of the Jews?" 10 For he was aware that because of envy the chief priests had handed him over. 11 But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release Bar·ab′bas to them, instead. 12 Again in reply Pilate was saying to them: "What, then, shall I do with him whom YOU call the king of the Jews?" 13 Once more they cried out: "Impale him!" 14 But Pilate went on to say to them: "Why, what bad thing did he do?" Still they cried out all the more: "Impale him!" 15 At that Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released Bar·ab′bas to them, and, after having Jesus whipped, he handed him over to be impaled.

(Luke 23:18, 19) 18 But with their whole multitude they cried out, saying: "Take this one away, but release Bar·ab′bas to us!" 19 (Which [man] had been thrown into prison for a certain sedition occurring in the city and for murder.)

(John 18:39, 40) . . .. Do YOU, therefore, wish me to release to YOU the king of the Jews?" 40 Then they shouted again, saying: "Not this man, but Bar·ab′bas!" Now Bar·ab′bas was a robber.

Barabbas' name appears in several different forms in early Greek texts. He is identified as Jesus Barabbas, Yeshua Bar-abbas, Yeshua Bar-Abba, and Bar-Abbas. The best clue we have is from these texts and the naming practices of the time. Abbas in the first century was a given name, but also meant father, and was often used to refer to a rabbi. The prefix Bar means "son of" so literally, Bar-Abbas means "son of the father." Many experts (archaeologists, anthropologist, religious historians, etc.) believe that Bar-Abbas was a title or pseudonym of the rebel who Pilate released to the people. His actual name is likely never to be known.

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What bible passages mention Barabbas?

Matthew 27Mark 15 Luke 23 John 18

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Now Barabbas was created in 1949.

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Barabbas - novel - was created in 1950.