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The Báb was the founder of a religion known as the Bábí Faith. Bahá'ís consider him to be the precursor of Bahá'u'lláh, and that he came mainly to prepare people for the coming of Bahá'u'lláh.

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The Bab was the first of the Twin Manifestations of God who appeared in Persia. He proclaimed that His mission was to prepare the way for the coming of someone "greater" than He - the "Promised One" of all the world's sacred texts. After seven years of persecution by the Persian and Ottoman regimes, the Bab was martyred in 1850.

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Q: Who is the Bab of the bahai faith?
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When was the bahai faith started?

The Bahai Faith started in Iran when the Bab inaugurated a new era in the history of the human race. The Bahais belief that the 'Promised One' of all ages and peoples, Bahaullah revealed himself in 1863. He dispatched one of the distinguished Bahai teachers, Jamal Effendi to India to spread the teachings of the Bahai faith in the years 1874-75. The Bahais believe Bahaullah as the Universal Manifestation of God whose advent has been prophesied in all the Holy Scriptures. It is estimated that there are at present nearly 2.3 million Bahais in India.

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The Bahai Faith does not use any code in its scriptures, which everyone is encouraged to read for themselves. See the Bahai Reference Library for a good selection of Bahai scriptures, all for free. The Bahai community today also does not use codes, secret handshakes, etc..

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The Bahá'í Faith was first established in Botswana in 1955.

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William McElwee Miller has written: 'Baha'ism' -- subject(s): Babism, Bahais 'The Bahai cause today' -- subject(s): Bahai Faith 'Baha'ism, its origin, history, and teachings' -- subject(s): Bahai Faith

Leader or founder of bahai faith?

That's really two different things. Founder: Mirza Hussayn Ali, known as Bahá'u'lláh. Sometimes the Bab (founder of the Babi Faith) is also included. Leader: The Bahá'í Faith has elected administrative institutions. At the highest level is the institution called the Universal House of Justice, in Haifa, Israel.

Is faith Evans biggie smalls bab ymother?


What are some branches of the bahai faith?

their are only one major branch which is called the Baha'i world faith

Who is Baha'you'llah?

Try Baha-u-Illah and also search on the Bahai Faith.

Who is a Baha'i devotee?

A Bahai is a disciple of Baha'u'llah and his son Abdu'l-Baha. Baha'u'llah was a Persian nobleman who founded the Bahai Faith, a new religion teaching world unity. He was imprisoned and banished and exiled, until he was eventually sent to Akka in the north of Israel. There's a good wikipedia page on the Bahai Faith.

What countries use Bahai faith as their main religions?

As of 2012, no country has a Bahá'í majority.

Is there a Bahai in China?

Yes, there are Baha'is in China. The Baha'i Faith is global and not limited to one geographic area.