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Jesus Christ. There are many verses in the NT where people recognized or called Jesus a prophet. Here is one where He indirectly states He is:

Luke 13:33New International Version (NIV)

33 In any case, I must press on today and tomorrow and the next day-for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem!

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Q: Who is prophet of the New Covenant?
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Can you be a prophet on halo3?

Of course not, a Prophet is the holy leader of the covenant. He and his other prophet control the whole covenant race. So no, you'll can not be a prophet.

Who is the top prophet in halo?

The Prophet of Truth. As he was the leader of the covenant hierarchs during the human-covenant war before being killed in Halo 3 by Thel Vadamee (the arbiter).

Which prophet foretold the new covenant?

The prophet Jeremiah foretold the new covenant in the Old Testament. This new covenant would not be like the old one, written on tablets of stone, but would be written on the hearts of people. It would bring forgiveness of sins and a close relationship with God.

What did the Old Testament say about a new covenant?

Jeremiah 31:30: "Behold, the days come, says the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah."According to Jewish tradition, it doesn't mean a different covenant, since two verses later the prophet continues "I will place my Torah among them and on their hearts."

What was meant when Jesus instituted the New Covenant at the Last Supper?

If you view the New Covenant as a legal document proposing a law then that law has to take effect from a certain date. Jesus did this when He said at the Last Supper "this cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." (Luke Ch.22) So the New Covenant came into effect when the cup was poured out at the Last Supper. The new covenant is not a mere renewal of the earlier covenant that the Israelites broke. No, indeed! For the apostle Paul writes to the Christians at Rome, saying: "You are not under law but under undeserved kindness." (Romans 6:14) It is really a new covenant, and it was to be expected that it would be a better one, for the Almighty God Jehovah is able to improve matters with regard to those whom he admits into the new covenant. For one thing, he raised up a better mediator, or go-between, in establishing the new covenant. This Mediator was no imperfect, sin-infected man like the prophet Moses. 8 The Law covenant mediated by means of the prophet Moses was good in itself. However, that covenant provided for the sacrifice of animals whose blood could never wash away human sins. So for Jehovah God to set up a better covenant, there would have to be a better mediator with a better sacrifice. This all-necessary Mediator proved to be Jesus Christ. Pointing out the superiority of this Mediator as compared to the prophet Moses, the Bible gives us the following explanation: "But now Jesus has obtained a more excellent public service, so that he is also the mediator of a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises. . . . In his saying 'a new covenant' he has made the former one obsolete."-Hebrews 8:6, 13. --Excerpt from "Insight on the Scriptures"

Is Malachi the last Old Testament prophet?

Yes Malachi is the old Testaments last prophet, it is also the last book in the Old Testament. From Brother Terrell: Actually John the Baptist is the last old testament prophet. He is mentioned in the New Testament but the New Testament wasn't really produced until Jesus accomplished the will of God on the Cross, and then through resurrection the New Testament (covenant) came to be.

Which prophet is said to have made a covenant with God to move his people to the land of Canaan establishing a community later called Isrealites?

The name of the prophet was Moses.

When was New Baptist Covenant created?

New Baptist Covenant was created in 2006.

Did God make a covenant with Ezra?

Like that of Abraham or Moses? No. In addition, Ezra wasn't a prophet.

Does the prophet of truth die in Halo 3?

On the level the Covenant the Arbiter stabs him with an Energy Sword.

Was the second covenant the old testament or the New Testament?

God made many covenants in the Old Testament, but I assume you are speaking about the "New Covenant" vs the "Old Covenant" which God gave Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai. The "New Covenant" or second was mentioned in the Old Testament several times as a covenant which was yet future. The "New Covenant" started in the New Testament when Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary, was buried, and was resurrected the third day. The 'Old Covenant" was by Law and the "New Covenant" was by grace.

What does new covenant mean?

covenant means a promise with God