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Gaza is a geographical issue. In most case it is the problem from Israel and UNO and international security council has declared israel as unjust for violation of peace and war

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Q: Who is killing Gaza Muslims?
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What religion is the people who live in the Gaza strip?


Why are Muslims killing people over a VIDEO?

Muslims aren't killing people over a video; a small, radical group of Muslims(not representative of all other Muslims) killed people over an offense to their religion.

What does religion have to do with the Gaza war 2012?

Muslims have attacked Israel a lot and Israel was trying to fight terrorism.

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There is no prohibition on Muslims killing spiders.

Why are muslims killing people?

Some Muslims are killing people. Those who are are among the fundamentalist groups within Islam. These folk believe that they have a divine mandate to convert the world and kill those with whom they disagree including other Muslims. Most Muslims want simply to live their lives in peace with their neighbours

What was the reason for the opposition against the Muslims?

For killing you if are not muslim.

When will the killing in Gaza Stop?

The answer depends on whether you take a Palestinian viewpoint or an Israeli viewpoint. Palestinians allege that Israel is occupying the Gaza Strip and in so doing murdering Palestinians. Israelis allege that they would prefer to leave Gaza alone, but are drawn into the conflict by the constant barrage of rockets and attacks. The bottom line is that the killing will not stop until both sides are willing to accept a peaceful solution to the conflict.

What crisis is taking place in Israel now?

The crisis is in the Gaza strip. Hamas (the domocratically elected terrorist government) has been throwing rockets at Israel, so Israel invaded Gaza and is killing a lot of people.

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What is the fatah movement?

they are a bunch of twits singing to the destruction of Gaza and the palestinian people. No resistance likee the true Muslims Hamas Fatah =corruption

Is Gaza City in the Gaza Strip?

Yes, Gaza City is the largest city in the Gaza Strip.

What three historical events did people use force in he name of religion?

- Muslims conquering Mecca. - Crussades by Christians to make war against the muslims (killing muslims and jews) - Muslims fighting back at Crussading Christians