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Jacob was Judah's father.

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Q: Who is judah's father?
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Possibly Perez, if think about the old testement tradition of marrying nieces. Rueben and Judah are brothers. After Judahs encounter with Tamar there were two children born Perez and Zerah, Perez gives birth to Hezron.....Rueben has a child named Hezron...If Rueben took his niece to wife, there we go.

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The practice is known as exporting. Exporting involves selling surplus resources or goods to other countries to generate income and balance the demand and supply dynamics in the domestic market.

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Man's father = My father's son. My father's son = me. That man's father = me. I am the father of my son.

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his father is you - you are his father

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No, their father was the god Mars.No, their father was the god Mars.No, their father was the god Mars.No, their father was the god Mars.No, their father was the god Mars.No, their father was the god Mars.No, their father was the god Mars.No, their father was the god Mars.No, their father was the god Mars.

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his father is you - you are his father

Is it he and his father or him and his father?

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Your father's father's brother is your great uncle.

What do father brother called as?

To your father 'Brother', to your father's father 'Son', to you 'Uncle'.