Enurta (also known as Ninurta, Ningrisu, Nin-gursu, and Nimrud) was a minor Babylonian God of War and hunting. His original Sumerian incarnation was that of an agricultural deity (the name Ninurta translates as "Lord Earth") who later became a powerfully fearsome warrior. He was known as the son and champion of Enlil-- the foremost god of the Mesopotamian pantheon who ruled over wind, air, and storms. An example of Enurta's heroism is recounted in the tale of how he slew the Anzu bird (also known as Imdugud) and recovered the Tablet of Destinies which it had stolen. In later dynasties, Enurta was largely replaced by the great hero Marduk, the god of justice and slayer of Tiamat (the goddess and embodiment of primordial chaos).