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The Major Key Figure Was Jesus .

Their Only Savior And Worshipper .

The major figures of chritianity are, Jesus (duh), the prophets-Mark, John, Luke, Matthew as well as all of the others (Noah, Abraham, etc)

As far as different forms of Christianity, the pope, Cardinals, Martin Luther (Lutheranism) the list goes on.

Any king who has ever been a supporter of the christian doctrine, without them chritianity would have never carried on and become popular. Also all of the artists who did pious depictions of Jesus and his disciples carried the "good" word for the education of the lay people (peasants). Without many factors, chritianity would have never taken flight nor become popular.

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12y ago

The central figure in Christianity is Jesus. However, in Catholicism, a branch of Christianity is the Holy Trinity. (God, the Father; Jesus, the Son; and the Holy Spirit.)


From Genesis to Malachi (books of O.T.) the central figure was God or the Logos (Spokesman) of the God Family. He was also called by many other names per the roles or characteristics He wished mankind to know of Him. One being Melchizedek the High Priest without days (read Hebrews chapters 5 thru 8 for a clearer understanding).

The relationship of a Father and Son began in the New Testament when the Father begat Jesus Christ (same God Family member of O.T.). As John 1:1-3 tells us and I suggest you read for a clearer answer.

The Bible speaks of 2 members NOW in this God Family but reveals the Father's plan via His 7 Annual Sabbaths and the weekly Sabbath for mankind to become sons & daughters in God's Family of which some are now 'heirs' and most all will become during the Millennium and 2nd Judgement periods. This will be 10s of billions of new God Family members for all eternity.

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12y ago

Of course it's Jesus Christ... It's very interesting that the founder of the Christian religion is also the very God of the religion....... :))

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Jesus, God, The Holy Spirit

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The God three in one (Father Spirit Son).

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Jesus Christ.

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